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Law Practice,
Judges and Judiciary

Jan. 12, 2002

Sept. 11 Unleashed Worst of Times, But We Will Recover

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." When Charles Dickens wrote these immortal opening lines in "A Tale of Two Cities," he could have been describing New York on the morning of Sept. 11. The city stood on the cusp of economic recovery, its crime rate dramatically reduced and the incomparable Yankees resolutely hitting their familiar autumn stride.

Lawrence Waddington

Neutral, JAMS


Lawrence is a retired Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge and former assistant attorney general for the state of California. He is author of "Disorder in the Court" at He also edits the 9th Circuit blog, "The 9th Circuit Watch."

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." When Charles Dickens wrote these immortal opening lines in "A Tale of Two Cities," he could have been describing New York on the morning of Sept. 11. The city stood on the cusp of economic recovery, its crime rate dramatically reduced and the incomparable Yankees resolutely hitting their familiar autumn stride.

On my way to class at Fordham Law School under a balmy morning sun, I strolled leisurely down Riverside Drive, pausing...

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