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Law Practice

Jul. 13, 2001

A Tough and Honorable Attorney

LOS ANGELES - I first met Barry Levin in late 1972 when he was a patrol officer at the Los Angeles Police Department's Newton Street Station, where I also was assigned as a reserve officer. I observed Barry before I really met him or knew him. At that time, he was physically very imposing. Always fit and well-built during the 28 years that I knew him, Barry was an avid, committed weightlifter. He had huge arms strapped to a solid torso.

        LOS ANGELES - I first met Barry Levin in late 1972 when he was a patrol officer at the Los Angeles Police Department's Newton Street Station, where I also was assigned as a reserve officer. I observed Barry before I really met him or knew him. At that time, he was physically very imposing. Always fit and well-built during the 28 years that I knew him, Barry was an avid, committed weightlifter. He had huge arms strapped to a ...

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