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Dec. 15, 2012

Youth Law Center honors "Unsung Heroes"

The Youth Law Center honored five individuals with the "Loren Warboys Unsung Hero" award on Dec. 3 in a ceremony and reception at the San Francisco offices of Bingham McCutchen LLP. The award is given to individuals who demonstrate extraordinary contributions to improve the lives of children and youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems. This year's awardees were: Javier Stauring, co-director of the Office of Restorative Justice of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles; Kaye Fredrickson, social work practitioner with the Fresno County Department of Social Services; and Samuel Johnson, Bettie Hill and David Diouf, foster family and youth advocates. "All of this year's honorees share the struggle to support and uplift our nation's most vulnerable children and youth," said Jennifer Rodriguez, executive director of the Youth Law Center. "We applaud their strong commitment to ensuring that children in the foster care and juvenile justice systems are treated humanely and fairly and receive appropriate services and support."

The Youth Law Center honored five individuals with the "Loren Warboys Unsung Hero" award on Dec. 3 in a ceremony and reception at the San Francisco offices of Bingham McCutchen LLP.
The award is given to individuals who demonstrate extraordinary contributions to improve the lives of children and youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems.
This year's awardees were: Javier Stauring, co-director of the Office of Restorative Justice of the Archdiocese of Los A...

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