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Apr. 9, 2011

Los Angeles County Bar Association Discusses Veterans Legal Needs

U.S. Army Sgt. Maj. Jesse Acosta, who lost his eyesight during Operation Iraqi Freedom, addressed Los Angeles County Bar Association members Wednesday during a networking reception to explore how the bar can create a group to serve the legal needs of returning service members and veterans. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Charles W. “Tim” McCoy Jr. and bar president Alan Steinbrecher, both veterans themselves, also spoke, along with Hernan Vera, president and CEO of Public Counsel Law Center; Melissa Tyner of Inner City Law Center; and representatives of Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles.

U.S. Army Sgt. Maj. Jesse Acosta, who lost his eyesight during Operation Iraqi Freedom, addressed Los Angeles County Bar Association members Wednesday during a networking reception to explore how the bar can create a group to serve the legal needs of returning service members and veterans. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Charles W. ?Tim? McCoy Jr. and bar president Alan Steinbrecher, both veterans themselves, also spoke, along with Hernan Vera, president and CEO of Public Counsel L...

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