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Nov. 8, 2018

Q&A: Women Success Stories and Science-Based Strategies to Thrive in Law

A conversation with Cheryl D. Orr, partner at Drinker Biddle & Reath, who will moderate the "Women Success Stories" and "Science-Based Strategies to Thrive as a Leading Lawyer" panels at Women Leadership in Law on November 15.

Cheryl D. Orr, Partner, Drinker Biddle & Reath

Women Success Stories

8:30 am - 9:30 am

Getting your juris doctorate is just the beginning. Our panelists are inspiring examples of just how far you can go with a legal degree and how varied your options are. None of our panelists' paths were linear but all have been remarkably successful in arenas as diverse as academia, BigLaw, the courtroom, in-house, government and politics. Their discussion of their challenges and triumphs promises to be both educational and e...

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