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Nov. 8, 2018

Q&A: Women in the Courtroom and Women and Diverse Lawyers and Business Development

A conversation with Gay Crosthwait Grunfeld, managing partner at Rosen Bien Galvan & Grunfeld, who will moderate the "Women in the Courtroom" and "Women and Diverse Lawyers and Business Development" panels at Women Leadership in Law on November 15.

Gay Crosthwait Grunfeld, Managing Partner, Rosen Bien Galvan & Grunfeld

Women in the Courtroom

9:30 am - 10:45 am

Decades after women reached parity with men in the nation's top law schools, they are still hard to find at the lectern for oral argument or delivering the closing at a jury trial. Nowhere is this disparity more evident than in federal court, and particularly in Multi-district litigation. This panel asks prominent women litigators how prevalent the issue is, how they overcame the barriers to being lead counsel, and what step...

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