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Real Estate/Development,

Nov. 7, 2019

Best way to end homelessness? Prevent it from happening in the first place.

Because 150 people became homeless every day, homelessness rose by 12% last year. We will never end homelessness if we only help those who are already on the streets.

Tents on Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles, May 2015. (New York Times News Service)

The best way to end homelessness is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Every day, 133 people in Los Angeles County move out of homelessness and into housing. But because 150 people became homeless every day, homelessness rose by 12% last year. We will never end homelessness if we only help those who are already on the streets.

After a decade in which median rent increased by more than a third while median renter income...

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