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Dec. 11, 2023

Ex-DA Boudin still opposes early recalls, but says he’s moved on

“If you recall somebody months into their first year in office, you haven’t given them a chance. We have four-year terms for district attorneys for a reason and it takes time to implement policies,” former San Francisco district attorney Chesa Boudin said

Chesa Boudin. (The New York Times)

Chesa Boudin, who was ousted as district attorney in San Francisco, said in an interview last week that efforts to recall Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price are dishonest and unfair.

"People may agree with her philosophy or they may disagree with it, but if you don't give her a chance to actually try, then why bother having democracy and elections at all," said Boudin, who was recalled last year and now leads a criminal justice ...

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