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Jan. 9, 2024

When it comes to collective bargaining agreements, PAGA is just different

In general, the right of an employee to file a PAGA action cannot be waived by contract, but there is an exception for construction workers who perform work under certain collective bargaining agreements.

Garret D. Murai

Partner, Nomos LLP

Garret is the editor of the California Construction Law Blog at

California, as many know, is one of the most employee-friendly states in the country. From strict hiring laws (don’t think about asking about an applicant’s criminal, credit or even salary history), to generous benefits (minimum wage, overtime, meal and rest breaks, family medical leave, etc.) and strict anti-harassment laws (if you have to think about it, even for a second, don’t do it), to protections for terminated workers (whistle blower protections, WARN notices,...

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