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Torts/Personal Injury

Feb. 23, 2024

Can a landlord be liable for injuries caused by a tenant’s dog?

California imposes strict liability on dog owners for any harm caused by their dogs biting someone, regardless of the dog’s prior viciousness. Holding a landlord liable for a tenant’s dog requires a higher standard.

Michael E. Rubinstein

Law Office of Michael E. Rubinstein

433 N Camden Drive Suite 600
Beverly Hills , CA 90210

Phone: (213) 293-6075

Fax: (323) 400-4585


Loyola Law School; Los Angeles CA

Michael is a Los Angeles-based personal injury and accident attorney.


You're taking a morning walk on a nice, sunny day. An adjacent home's side gate is open, and a large dog bolts towards you, having escaped through the open yard. We know what happens next.

This common scenario often results in serious injuries. As with many personal injury cases, dog bite cases usually require an investigation. The identity of the dog and the dog's owner must be ascertained. Dog bite cases are often covered under homeowner...

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