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Antitrust & Trade Reg.

Mar. 27, 2024

California revives criminal enforcement of the Cartwright Act

Companies doing business in California should consider the Cartwright Act when developing or updating their antitrust programs, as they may face criminal charges for anticompetitive conduct.

Bonnie Lau

Partner, Morrison & Foerster LLP

Bonnie Lau is partner of Morrison Foerster's Antitrust Law Group where she helps clients navigate internal and government antitrust investigations, enforcement proceedings, and class action litigation.

Eliot A. Adelson

Partner, Morrison & Foerster LLP


Eliot A. Adelson is also a partner with the group, where he handles complex legal issues facing clients in jurisdictions around the world, with a special focus on Japan.

Jamis Barcott

Associate, Morrison & Foerster LLP



California continues to escalate its antitrust enforcement efforts. On March 6 Senior Assistant Attorney General Paula Blizzard announced that the California Office of the Attorney General (California AG) Antitrust Section is reviving its criminal antitrust program under the California Cartwright Act (Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 16700 et seq.). Although the California AG has not filed a criminal case under the Cartwright Act in the last ...

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