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Litigation & Arbitration

May 28, 2024

Instagram and Activision abet gun makers, Uvalde families claim

A lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court seeks to skirt a federal law that shields online platforms from actions by their users.

Josh Koskoff, an attorney representing some of the relatives of children killed in the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in 2022, is joined by his clients as he speaks at a news conference in Uvalde, Texas, on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. (New York Times News Service)

A lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court by families of the young victims of the Uvalde, Texas school shooting against technology giants Meta Platforms Inc. and Microsoft Corp. will be another test of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

The complaint, filed Friday, said those companies' subsidiaries, Instagram and Activision Blizzard, "have aided and abetted firearm manufacturers' efforts to expand the market for their weapons by granting unprec...

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