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Guide to Legal Writing,
Civil Procedure

Jan. 6, 2025

A brief with no case cites?

Are cases and citations truly essential to winning legal arguments, or do compelling facts and policy arguments matter more?

Myron Moskovitz

Legal Director Moskovitz Appellate Team

90 Crocker Ave
Piedmont , CA 94611-3823

Phone: (510) 384-0354


UC Berkeley SOL Boalt Hal

Myron Moskovitz is author of Strategies On Appeal (CEB, 2021; digital:; print: and Winning An Appeal (5th ed., Carolina Academic Press). He is Director of Moskovitz Appellate Team, a group of former appellate judges and appellate research attorneys who handle and consult on appeals and writs. See The Daily Journal designated Moskovitz Appellate Team as one of California's top boutique law firms. Myron can be contacted at or (510) 384-0354. Prior "Moskovitz On Appeal" columns can be found at


Back in my law school days, Professor Sam Kagel taught me labor law.  

 Sam was a player in the real-world fights between unions and big business. When unions and employers wanted arbitration, Sam was t...

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