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Sep. 14, 2008

A Q&A With M&A's Lady of Steel ... and Aluminum and Alloy

"We believe that we can enhance shareholder value by growing the company through acquisitions," said Kay Rustand, vice president and general counsel of Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co.

Read more about Kay Rustand...
Los Angeles-based Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. has an active M&A history, and general counsel Kay Rustand has been guiding the company through those deals for many years. She became Reliance's outside counsel in 1987, when she worked at Lawler, Felix & Hall. She continued to work for the now $7.3 billion metal service company after her firm merged with Arter & Hadden, in 1989. In 2001, she moved in-house.

In August, Reliance completed its b... (continued)

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