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Oct. 16, 2008

Building Long-Term Relationships

"I make sure that the relationship partner knows who the 'grind out' attorneys are and I want them on my matters," said Simon Leung, general counsel of Synnex Corp. in Fremont.

Read more about Simon Leung...
When Simon Leung was offered the chance to join a $3.2 billion private company looking to go public, he "jumped at it." Leung joined Fremont's Synnex Corp. in 2000, just before the tech bubble burst.

Leung says he was not disappointed the company then waited three years, until 2003, to issue its first offering. "I had a real good sense of the people and I have never regretted the decision," he said.

It's easy to see why. "There are very few private... (continued)

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