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Vasserman v. Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital
Arbitration properly denied where collective bargaining agreement did not include clear and unmistakable waiver of plaintiff's right to judicial forum for statutory claims.
Arbitration Feb. 9, 2017
Poublon v. C.H. Robinson Co.
Employer wins reversal of denial of motion to compel arbitration, where dispute resolution provision is not tainted with illegality and invalid portions can be severed.
Arbitration Feb. 6, 2017
Montano v. The Wet Seal Retail Inc.
Nonseverable waiver of statutory representative action renders arbitration agreement unenforceable.
Arbitration Jan. 31, 2017
Norcia v. Samsung Telecommunications America LLC
Samsung cannot compel consumer to arbitrate dispute over Samsung Galaxy S4 based on consumer's silence regarding arbitration provision contained in the product box.
Arbitration Jan. 19, 2017
Kum Tat Ltd. v. Linden Ox Pasture LLC
Interlocutory appeal from order denying motion to compel arbitration dismissed for lack of jurisdiction, where motion relies on state law and does not invoke Federal Arbitration Act.
Arbitration Jan. 16, 2017
Flores v. Nature’s Best Distribution
Arbitration agreement lacking employer signature, description of included disputes, and definition of applicable arbitration rules is too ambiguous to compel binding arbitration in employment suit.
Arbitration Dec. 28, 2016
Mohamed v. Uber Technologies Inc.
Uber's motion to compel arbitration erroneously denied where district court improperly assumed authority to decide threshold issue of arbitrability despite clear, unmistakable delegation clause.
Arbitration Dec. 21, 2016
Condon v. Daland
Per terms of contract, new arbitration should proceed where award exceeds contractually bargained-for threshold.
Arbitration Nov. 30, 2016
Tanguilig v. Bloomingdale's Inc.
Bloomingdale's cannot compel arbitration of employee's individual PAGA claim where representative action waiver remains unenforceable under 'Iskanian.'
Arbitration Nov. 17, 2016
Move v. Citigroup Global Markets
Equitable tolling available under the Federal Arbitration Act; where party relies on arbitration panelist's egregiously falsified credentials, vacatur is merited.
Arbitration Nov. 6, 2016
Ziober v. BLB Resources Inc.
Servicemember must submit to arbitration of employment dispute, where Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act does not prohibit compelled arbitration of claims arising under its provisions.
Arbitration Oct. 16, 2016
Tompkins v. 23andMe Inc.
Motion to compel arbitration properly granted where none of challenged portions of arbitration provision render arbitration provision unconscionable under California law.
Arbitration Oct. 13, 2016
Penilla v. Westmont Corp.
Landowner's motion to compel arbitration properly denied where arbitration provision was significantly unconscionable, both procedurally and substantively.
Arbitration Sep. 11, 2016
Mohamed v. Uber Technologies Inc.
Uber's motion to compel arbitration erroneously denied where district court improperly assumed authority to decide threshold issue of arbitrability despite clear, unmistakable delegation clause.
Arbitration Sep. 7, 2016
In re: TFT-LCD (Flat Panel) Antitrust Litigation
Email evidence of agreement to arbitration settlement appropriate due to federal privilege as settlement in question addressed both state and federal claims.
Arbitration Sep. 1, 2016
Royal Alliance Associates Inc. v. Liebhaber
FINRA arbitration panel's expungement award properly vacated where claimant was denied opportunity to present any evidence against broker's request for expungement.
Arbitration Aug. 31, 2016
Esparza v. Sand & Sea Inc.
Signed acknowledgment of receipt and review of employee handbook containing arbitration agreement section does not constitute assent to arbitration agreement.
Arbitration Aug. 23, 2016
Tompkins v. 23andMe Inc.
Motion to compel arbitration properly granted where none of challenged portions of arbitration provision render arbitration provision unconscionable under California law.
Arbitration Aug. 23, 2016
Sandquist v. Lebo Automotive Inc.
California Supreme Court declares that the issue of 'who decides' whether arbitration agreement provides for class arbitration is one for arbitrator, not the court.
Arbitration Jul. 29, 2016