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Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union
Communications Decency Act of 1996 violates First Amendment by banning indecent material in cyberspace.
Constitutional Law Jul. 5, 1999
Lawyer v. Dept. of Justice
Court isn't required to hold its redistricting plan unconstitutional before accepting settlement establishing new plan.
Constitutional Law Jul. 3, 1999
Agostini v. Felton
Federally-funded educational program for disadvantaged children, provided neutrally, isn't invalid under establishment clause.
Constitutional Law Jul. 2, 1999
City of Boerne v. Flores
Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 exceeds Congress' power.
Constitutional Law Jul. 2, 1999
Stone v. City of Prescott
City's refusal to allow petition for a city-wide referendum challenging real property transfers wasn't a violation of plaintiff's civil rights.
Constitutional Law Jun. 29, 1999
Smith v. Fresno Irrigation District
Hazards inherent in employee's 'safety sensitive' position with an independent state agency justifies random drug testing.
Constitutional Law Jun. 28, 1999
Nunez v. City of San Diego
City's broad juvenile curfew ordinance is unconstitutionally vague and violates parents' and minors' rights.
Constitutional Law Jun. 26, 1999
Macias v. Hartwell
Defamation action for statements in union campaign flyer is subject to dismissal under anti-SLAPP statute.
Constitutional Law Jun. 26, 1999
Wicklund v. Salvagni
Best interests standard in judicial bypass provision renders law requiring parental notification before abortion unconstitutional.
Constitutional Law Jun. 26, 1999
Sacramento County Deputy Sheriff's Association v. Sacramento County
Concealed video surveillance of jail employees is not unconstitutional due to diminished expectation of privacy.
Constitutional Law Jun. 25, 1999
Smith v. Regents of the University of California
Educational benefits justify student organization's use of mandatory student fees to support political activities.
Constitutional Law Jun. 23, 1999
Union of Needletrades v. Superior Court (Taubman Co.)
Shopping malls' rules and regulations governing the exercise of free speech rights are not unconstitutional.
Constitutional Law Jun. 23, 1999
Perry v. Los Angeles Police Dept.
Ordinance violates First Amendment by limiting ban on sales and solicitations to persons lacking nonprofit status.
Constitutional Law Jun. 23, 1999
Jacobsen v. Bonine
Perimeter walkways of interstate rest-stop areas are not public fora for First Amendment purposes.
Constitutional Law Jun. 23, 1999
California Kiwifruit Commission v. Moss
Assessment on kiwifruit handlers to fund state-run marketing and promotional operation violates first amendment.
Constitutional Law Jun. 22, 1999
Weisbuch v. County of Los Angeles
Public hospital's medical director's demotion for criticizing supervisor's decision-making methods doesn't support First Amendment claim.
Constitutional Law Jun. 20, 1999
Sabelko v. The City of Phoenix
City's floating buffer zone restriction on demonstrators outside of health care facilities violates First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Jun. 20, 1999
E.W.A.P., Inc. v. City of Los Angeles
Municipal ordinance designed to abate nuisance may be enforced against adult bookstore.
Constitutional Law Jun. 18, 1999
Keith v. Volpe
State outdoor advertising statute cannot be overridden by district court unless it conflicts with federal law.
Constitutional Law Jun. 18, 1999
Sabelko v. City of Phoenix
City's floating buffer zone restriction on demonstrators outside of health care facilities violates First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Jun. 17, 1999
California First Amendment Coalition v. Calderon
State prison regulation that limits media viewing of execution procedures doesn't violate First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Jun. 17, 1999
California v. Deep Sea Research Inc.
Eleventh Amendment doesn't bar in rem admiralty action if res isn't in state's possession.
Constitutional Law Jun. 16, 1999
Copley Press Inc. v. Superior Court (M.P.R., a Minor)
No compelling reason exists to seal records of tort claim settlement by public school district.
Constitutional Law Jun. 16, 1999
Bostean v. Los Angeles Unified School District
Civil service employee has protected property interest in continued employment with school district.
Constitutional Law Jun. 15, 1999
Kirchmann v. Lake Elsinore Unified School District
Employee is improperly suspended for protected speech concerning matter of significant public importance.
Constitutional Law Jun. 12, 1999
Berger v. Hanlon
Broadcast media acts 'under color of law' when present at government's execution of search warrant.
Constitutional Law Jun. 10, 1999
County Mobilehome Positive Action Committee Inc. v. County of San Diego
Mobilehome rent regulation ordinance impermissibly restricts future County Board's exercise of police power.
Constitutional Law May 25, 1999
San Diego Unified Port District v. U.S. Citizens Patrol
Injunction restricting group's activities at airport unconstitutionally enforces 'heckler's veto' and is overbroad.
Constitutional Law May 25, 1999
Feltner v. Columbia Pictures Television Inc.
Seventh Amendment confers right to jury trial in statutory action for copyright infringement.
Constitutional Law May 21, 1999
U.S. v. Berke
Consent decree enjoining defendant from selling sexually explicit materials can't be vacated on First Amendment grounds, if trial court has proper jurisdiction.
Constitutional Law May 20, 1999