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In re D.P.
Adoptive parents of dependent child's siblings were not entitled to relative placement preference because they were not relatives entitled to the preference under the plain language of the statute.
Dependency 4DCA/1 Jul. 3, 2023
In re H.B.
Family services department's inquiry under ICWA into child's potential Indian heritage was adequate where the department asked two generations of relatives from both sides of the family about such heritage.
Dependency 2DCA/8 Jun. 21, 2023
In re Damari Y.
Father entitled to hearing on petition to modify order terminating reunification services where new evidence showed his incarceration during COVID-19 pandemic may have denied him access to reasonable reunification services.
Dependency 1DCA/2 Jun. 20, 2023
Modification: In re S.F
Child was improperly removed from father's physical custody when presented evidence could not meet heightened standard required for removal.
Dependency 1DCA/1 Jun. 12, 2023
In re Jonathan C.M.
Nonminor dependent's best interests must be considered before terminating the juvenile court's continuing jurisdiction despite the nonminor dependent's lack of participation in a transitional independent living case plan.
Dependency 1DCA/2 May 25, 2023
In re I.E.
Mother could not show that parental benefit exception applied because there was no evidence of the type of attachment that would cause her daughter to suffer if parental rights were terminated.
Dependency 4DCA/2 May 19, 2023
In re Ja.O.
Because children were placed into protective custody pursuant to a warrant, further inquiry as to children's possible Native American ancestry was not required.
Dependency 4DCA/2 May 19, 2023
In re A.H.
Distant extended family member's appeal was dismissed because she lacked a legally cognizable interest in minor child's placement and thus had no standing to appeal the juvenile court's decision.
Dependency 1DCA/2 May 18, 2023
In re S.F.
Child was improperly removed from father's physical custody when presented evidence could not meet heightened standard required for removal.
Dependency 1DCA/1 May 18, 2023
In re C.P.
Because grandparents were approved as a resource family for their grandchild, no further adoption home study approval was necessary for juvenile court to allow grandparents' adoption of grandchild.
Dependency 4DCA/2 May 9, 2023
In re E.W.
Welfare agency reliably answered the question of whether dependent child had Native American ancestry in light of declarations by both parents and interviews with extended family members.
Dependency 1DCA/2 May 9, 2023
In re L.C.
Although it had not been raised below, failure to conduct jurisdictional inquiry into family's home state required by statute was not an issue that could be forfeited by litigants' inaction.
Dependency 2DCA/5 Apr. 20, 2023
In re S.S.
Case required reversal and remand for child welfare agency to question three family members, of whom the agency had contact information for, as to child's potential Native American ancestry.
Dependency 2DCA/8 Apr. 18, 2023
In re Damian L.
Juvenile court could continue hearings beyond time limits within which they were required to be held but could not ignore statutory time limits on the provision of family reunification services.
Dependency 5DCA Apr. 13, 2023
In re Robert F.
Under the Indian Child Welfare Act, duty to ask extended family members about child's possible Native American ancestry was not applicable because minor was placed in protective rather than temporary custody.
Dependency 4DCA/2 Apr. 13, 2023
Michael G. v. Superior Court (Orange County Social Services Agency)
Juvenile court was not required to grant extension of reunification services even though services provided to a father by the Social Services Agency during an 18-month extension were not reasonable.
Dependency CASC Apr. 7, 2023
In re L.J.
Mother's recordings taken during visits with her child were inadmissible at hearing for termination of parental rights because the child was a ward of the juvenile court and the child's counsel did not consent to the recordings.
Dependency 3DCA Mar. 24, 2023
A.H. v. Superior Court (Orange County Social Services Agency)
Juvenile court's finding of subject matter jurisdiction was supported by substantial evidence where a court from children's home state declined to exercise jurisdiction.
Dependency 4DCA/3 Mar. 21, 2023
In re J.M.
Termination of juvenile court's jurisdiction and order granting sole physical custody to mother was proper because father failed to show by a preponderance of the evidence conditions justifying continued supervision.
Dependency 2DCA/4 Mar. 13, 2023
In re Matthew M.
Juvenile court did not abuse its discretion when it ordered COVID-19 vaccination for 12-year old court dependent over mother's objections.
Dependency 2DCA/7 Mar. 7, 2023
Modification: D.S. v. Superior Court (San Bernardino County Children and Family Services)
Mother's adoptive status did not dismiss juvenile court and child welfare agency's duty to further inquire as to adopted child's possible Native American ancestry.
Dependency 4DCA/2 Feb. 23, 2023
In re A.A.
Children were not considered "Indian" under the Indian Child Welfare Act because their blood quantum was too low to qualify for Jemez Pueblo tribe membership.
Dependency 4DCA/2 Feb. 21, 2023
In re L.B.
Amendments to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 300(b) did not affect case when basis for jurisdiction was child's risk to mother's history of ongoing domestic violence.
Dependency 1DCA/1 Feb. 21, 2023
D.S. v. Superior Court (San Bernardino County Children and Family Services)
Mother's adoptive status did not dismiss juvenile court and child welfare agency's duty to further inquire as to adopted child's possible Native American ancestry.
Dependency 4DCA/2 Feb. 16, 2023
In re Jayden G.
Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services failed to exercise due diligence in locating minor's father because it did not utilize specific information provided by mother in its searches.
Dependency 2DCA/8 Feb. 15, 2023
In re M.C.
Child adjudged dependent should have been placed with parent who requested custody where there was not clear and convincing evidence such placement would be detrimental to the child.
Dependency 1DCA/2 Feb. 8, 2023
In re M.V.
Psychological evaluator's bonding study of minor's relationship with her parents was improper because it did not focus on the psychological relationship between the minor and her parents.
Dependency 2DCA/8 Jan. 31, 2023
In re T.R.
To deny reunification services under Welfare and Institutions Code Section 361.5(b)(6), a dependency judge must state, on the record, the specific bases for denial.
Dependency 4DCA/2 Jan. 30, 2023
In re N.R.
Juvenile court did not err by returning one child to a parent but terminating parental rights to the other child because the other child posed greater parenting challenges.
Dependency 2DCA/8 Jan. 30, 2023
In re D.P.
While parents' appeal of a finding of neglect was moot, a court may still exercise discretionary review if it believes review will protect the child and preserve the family.
Dependency CASC Jan. 20, 2023