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In re A.J.
Biological father's drug abuse and parole violations substantiate denial of visitation privileges, as does fact that he was not a 'presumed' father and, therefore, not a 'parent' for purposes of the pertinent statute.
Dependency Aug. 10, 2015
In re Joshua A.
Juvenile court's statutory interpretation error - made while denying placement to abusive mother's boyfriend - does not warrant reversal due to boy's aversion to boyfriend and the couple's rocky relationship.
Dependency Aug. 6, 2015
In re A.J.
Biological father's drug abuse and parole violations substantiate denial of visitation privileges, as does fact that he was not a 'presumed' father and, therefore, not a 'parent' for purposes of the pertinent statute.
Dependency Aug. 4, 2015
A.M., a Minor
Juvenile court order authorizing agency to place dependent for adoption following termination of parental rights is nonappellable.
Dependency Jun. 8, 2015
M.M., a Minor
Juvenile court may not ignore Penal Code's clear mandate not to proceed with jurisdictional hearing without physical presence of incarcerated parent.
Dependency May 13, 2015
P.R., a Minor
Mother lacks standing to challenge juvenile court's placement of her Indian child where she did not otherwise challenge order terminating her parental rights.
Dependency May 12, 2015
Nicholas E., a Minor
Juvenile court may not skip evidentiary hearing on jurisdiction or apply abstention rule merely because of ongoing custody fight in family court.
Dependency May 7, 2015
Ethan J., a Minor
Juvenile court may not terminate dependency jurisdiction over child who refuses visit with mother absent finding that continued visitation would be detrimental to him.
Dependency May 6, 2015
Nicholas E., a Minor
Juvenile court may not skip evidentiary hearing on jurisdiction or apply abstention rule merely because of ongoing custody fight in family court.
Dependency May 3, 2015
In re Briana V.
Father's appeal of jurisdictional findings in dependency proceedings are not justiciable because of their severity and multiplicity.
Dependency Apr. 29, 2015
Z.S., a Minor
Father’s appeal over juvenile court’s termination of his parental rights is dismissed because he filed it too late.
Dependency Apr. 2, 2015
In re R.T.
Proof of parental culpability not required to exercise dependency jurisdiction under Welfare and Institutions Code Section 300(b)(1).
Dependency Apr. 2, 2015
In re Aaron S.
Nonminor dependant’s minimal attempts to pursue education, employment merit termination of jurisdiction.
Dependency Mar. 26, 2015