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People v. Lamb
Death penalty vacated where evidence could no longer support jury's decision of gang-murder special-circumstance allegation after passage of Assembly Bill 333.
Criminal Law and Procedure CASC Jul. 12, 2024
Glacier Bear Retreat, LLC v. Dusek
9th Jul. 12, 2024
People v. Arellano
Penal Code Section 1172.6(e) resentencing does not permit courts to impose a sentencing enhancement or allegation unless it was pled and either proven to the trier of fact or by admission in open court.
Criminal Law and Procedure CASC Jul. 12, 2024
People v. Canales
Defendant's challenge to jury instructions for continuous sexual abuse of children was precluded by the presumption of mandatory culpability.
Criminal Law and Procedure 2DCA/8 Jul. 11, 2024
Cadena v. Customer Connexx LLC
The de minimis doctrine remains applicable to workers' claims for overtime wages under Section 207 of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Employment Law 9th Jul. 11, 2024
Jones v. Ryan
9th Jul. 11, 2024
Cuevas v. City of Tulare
Qualified immunity shielded officers from excessive force claim based on them returning fire at a suspect in a vehicle and wounding a passenger who was not suspected of any wrongdoing.
Qualified Immunity 9th Jul. 11, 2024
Loeber v. Lakeside Joint School District
California Constitution's Article XIII C, Section 3's initiative power does not apply to initiatives seeking to create tax exemptions, rather than reducing or repealing a tax.
Taxation 6DCA Jul. 11, 2024
Cassirer v. Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation
9th Jul. 10, 2024
Marks v. Davis
State adjudication of intellectual disability-based habeas petition that contained material misstatements of facts regarding expert testimony in the record was based on an unreasonable determination of the facts.
Criminal Law and Procedure 9th Jul. 10, 2024
Coalition on Homelessness v. City and County of San Francisco
9th Jul. 9, 2024
Nielsen v. Thornell
Prisoners Rights 9th Jul. 9, 2024
Estate of Hernandez v. City of Los Angeles
9th Jul. 9, 2024
Batis v. Dun & Bradstreet Holdings, Inc.
Anti-SLAPP motion was properly denied because database containing professional contact information did not meet requirements to overcome public interest exemption.
Anti-SLAPP 9th Jul. 9, 2024
Golden State Water Company v. Public Utilities Commission
Public Utilities Commission's scoping memo did not provide adequate notice that elimination of sales-revenue decoupling mechanism was an issue that would be considered during proceedings.
Utilities CASC Jul. 9, 2024
People v. Morgan
Resisting an officer by "force or violence" under Penal Code Section 69(a) does not require the use of force or violence "upon the person of" the officer, in this case applying to aiming an unloaded gun at an officer.
Criminal Law and Procedure 1DCA/1 Jul. 9, 2024
In re B.H.
Dependency jurisdiction over minor children was proper where Mother acknowledged that the children should not drive with Father due to concern about his drinking and driving, but still allowed him to transport the children the next day.
Dependency 4DCA/2 Jul. 8, 2024
Sheikh v. U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
No *Bivens* cause of action against federal officers fabricating evidence that resulted in the plaintiff's arrest because it was a new context that presented special concerns.
Civil Rights 9th Jul. 8, 2024
John Doe v. Cedars-Sinai Health System
Federal officer removal was improper where hospital failed to establish that it created its website pursuant to congressional authority to accomplish a governmental task.
Civil Procedure 9th Jul. 8, 2024
People v. Williams
Trial court's denial of defendant's Penal Code Section 1172.6 resentencing request based on review of preliminary hearing transcripts and plea colloquy was improper.
Criminal Law and Procedure 5DCA Jul. 3, 2024
People v. Rodriguez
Defendant's guilty plea precluded trial court from making credibility determinations regarding his intent and, coupled with testimony he acted alone, was sufficient to establish his personal intent to kill.
Criminal Law and Procedure 2DCA/6 Jul. 3, 2024
Price v. Montgomery County
USSC Jul. 3, 2024
King v. Emmons
USSC Jul. 3, 2024
Allstates Refractory Contractors v. Su
USSC Jul. 3, 2024
Bassett v. Arizona
USSC Jul. 3, 2024
Harrel v. Raoul
USSC Jul. 3, 2024
Doe v. Snap
USSC Jul. 3, 2024
McCrory v. Alabama
USSC Jul. 3, 2024
Gutierrez v. Garland
California carjacking under Cal. Pen. Code Section 215(a) is not a categorical crime of violence.
Immigration 9th Jul. 3, 2024
Valencia v. Mendoza
An arbitrator may exclude evidence from consideration if it properly determined a party engaged in discovery abuse throughout the process.
Arbitration 2DCA/7 Jul. 3, 2024