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Mar. 23, 2022

Gail Migdal Title, Esq.

See more on Gail Migdal Title, Esq.



Entertainment (Film, Television, Music, Social Media), Copyright, Trademark, Trade Secrets, False Advertising, Patent, Right of Publicity, Defamation, Employment, Legal Malpractice, Business/Commercial

Gail Migdal Title, Esq. became a neutral after an illustrious career as a litigator at a prominent national law firm, where she was also the Managing Partner of its California office and Head of its Entertainment Litigation Practice.

As a neutral, Ms. Title utilizes her breadth of legal and management experience along with the personal traits that have made her so successful--intelligence, sound judgment, practicality, persuasiveness and diligence.

She has the ability to communicate on both complex business and nuanced emotional levels. As a result, she gains the trust and respect of counsel and parties and can effectively move them to resolution of their disputes.

Ms. Title also brings to her work a depth of substantive legal knowledge in areas as varied as copyright infringement and idea theft; statutory and common law trademark infringement; defamation and right of privacy; breach of contract and statutory and common law business torts, including participation accounting and trade secrets; labor and employment, including collective bargaining agreement disputes as well as sexual harassment and related claims; design patent disputes; partnership disputes; insurance coverage disputes; civil rights claims; legal malpractice claims; and all aspects of the legal process.

Her knowledge and experience extend to many different industries, including entertainment (e.g. film, television, music and video), technology, fashion, publishing, manufacturing, hospitality, and residential and commercial real estate. She is also well-versed in the business issues that arise for parties in mediation, including profitability, growth, divestment and strategic planning; market positioning, cash flow, securitization; and personnel matters.

Ms. Title is the recipient of numerous awards in recognition of her professional accomplishments and service to the legal community.

(310) 201-0010


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