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Mar. 23, 2022

Hon. Mary Thornton House, (Ret.)

See more on Hon. Mary Thornton House, (Ret.)



Probate, Family Law, Law and Motion, Civil Litigation including personal injury, medical and legal malpractice, real property, employment, business and contract disputes, governmental liability with expertise in police civil rights and excessive force action

Judge House retired after 22 years on the Los Angeles Superior Court, where she presided over countless jury and court trials in the Civil and Probate departments. She has been at Alternative Resolution Centers, achieving resolution in countless civil and probate matters.

She gained her knowledge of a wide variety of cases due to her experience serving as the Supervising Judge of the Northeast and North Central districts, Hub Operations and Assistant Supervising Judge of Civil countywide. She is touted for her calm demeanor and unbending graciousness as well as her extraordinary and relentless, common-sense approach to settling cases. Judge House brings a unique and in-depth understanding of all aspects of civil case processing and case values that aids in her successful settlement efforts.

Judge House was the first Municipal Court Judge to become a Supervising Judge for the Superior Court in the Northeast District. Elevated in 2000, she presided over mandatory settlement conferences in both limited and general civil matters, reducing the civil caseloads throughout the Northeast and North Central Districts.

In 2004, she moved to a Civil direct calendar court at the Mosk Courthouse, handling civil matters including personal injury, contract, employment, professional malpractice, asbestos and products liability. She routinely conducted successful settlement conferences for her colleagues and her own matters.

She returned to Pasadena in 2010, presiding over Probate and Family/Civil harassment cases. In 2016, she returned to a downtown Probate Department for two years before retiring in 2018.

In addition to being an arbitrator, mediator, and discovery referee for ARC, Judge House has authored three editions of the California Civil Jury Instruction Companion Handbook published by Thomson Reuters for use by judges and civil litigators.

(310) 284-8224


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