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Canadian Space Agency - The Portia Project


A pivotal moment for shareholder rights

By Anya J. Freedman


Summary judgment motion deadlines modified by new legislation

By Stuart M. Rice

self-study/Intellectual Property

The campaign season's copyright showdown

By Sami Kazi, Rami S. Yanni


Objections to questions asked during trials

By Elia V. Pirozzi


The amended Private Attorneys General Act--new tools and big questions

By Matthew D'Abusco, Cynthia Sandoval

self-study/Jury Practice

Addressing social media's influence on jurors

By Jeffrey Kravitz


Central district implements new self-disclosure and whistleblowing incentives

By Brian R. Michael, Christina Randall


How the VA turned its back on incarcerated veterans

By Eileen C. Moore

self-study/Constitutional Law

Soured Lemon: What's next for the State's religion clauses?

By Ashfaq G. Chowdhury

self-study/Constitutional Law

A 9th Circuit panel draws lines on firearms in 'sensitive places'

By George M. Lee


Expedited jury trials: Life in the fast lane

By Curtis E.A. Karnow

self-study/Constitutional Law

The implications of U.S. v. Rahimi for California's Domestic Violence Prevention Act: A first look

By Dean Hansell, Karlie Morales, Bryant Y. Yang


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