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Whiplash and Whiplash-Associated Disorder is no joke

By Reza Torkzadeh, Allen P. Wilkinson


Boating accidents and what you need to know before hitting the water

By Reza Torkzadeh, Allen P. Wilkinson


A refresher on Dram Shop liability

By Reza Torkzadeh, Allen P. Wilkinson


Liens, insurance and attorney referrals

By Allen P. Wilkinson


Implied assumption of risk in sports activities

By Reza Torkzadeh, Allen P. Wilkinson


Res Ipsa Loquitur: How presumptuous!

By Reza Torkzadeh, Allen P. Wilkinson


Loss of consortium in personal injury litigation

By Reza Torkzadeh, Allen P. Wilkinson


Recreational land use immunity

By Reza Torkzadeh, Allen P. Wilkinson


Key steps in trucking litigation

By Katherine Harvey-Lee


Tricks and treats in Halloween precedent

By Benjamin G. Shatz


If a tree falls in the woods, is there sovereign immunity?

By Crawford Appleby


Government Claims Act

By Jeffrey Y. Hamilton Jr., Alex Ricciardulli


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