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A Mission Housing subsidiary is accused of using joint funds to pay for costs associated with other properties it owned.

With hundreds of AI-related bills pending at the federal and state level, California businesses face great uncertainty related...

The panel questioned whether the law's provision requiring companies to complete a Data Protection Impact Assessment for each ...

Four of the appointments were made to the Los Angeles County court.


Jul. 17, 2024
By Wisdom Howell


Jul. 17, 2024
By Wisdom Howell

Other claims brought by homeless veterans against the federal government are set to be considered at trial next month.

The matter concerns the compensation structure used by The Cochran Firm for business that originates via its advertised teleph...

UC antisemitism cases draw on recent rulings

Jul. 17, 2024
By Craig Anderson

The cases regarding antisemitism at UC Berkeley and UCLA are at different stages, but plaintiffs in both actions are citing re...

Video gamers target Sega's arbitration agreement

Jul. 17, 2024
By Antoine Abou-Diwan

Lawyers for nearly 20,000 claimants have asked a Los Angeles court to enforce a previous arbitration agreement the company had...

San Francisco court unlawfully delayed misdemeanor trial

Jul. 17, 2024
By Antoine Abou-Diwan

"The Superior Court's use of COVID-19 as a reason to endlessly delay trials has always been unjust and harmful," Deputy Public...

The company is accused of failing to maintain adequate security measures, which allowed a hacker to compile lists of data belo...

The Shadow Docket enables politically or ideologically motivated justices to selectively prioritize cases that advance their p...

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Bankruptcy Code does not authorize a non-bankruptcy discharge that extinguishes clai...

There should be a voluntary retirement age of 75 for federal and state judicial officers, which would allow younger judges to ...

Daniel Stephen March is accused of mishandling funds from an estimated 40,000 to 60,000 clients of the Litigation Practice Gro...

Bill signing settles old disputes, sparks new one

Jul. 17, 2024
By Malcolm Maclachlan

Elon Musk on Tuesday cited one of the new laws as the "last straw" motivation for relocating his companies to Texas.

In one instance, Healy told people in court that one of them "reeks" of marijuana and needed a shower; court staff "later dete...

The Supreme Court ruling last month could give insurers even more say in Chapter 11 proceedings.

The court clarified that no bright line rule requires a court to refuse enforcement if a contract has more than one unconscion...

The dispute is related to a six-year-old patent infringement lawsuit against Apple, which is being bankrolled by litigation fi...

The panel ruled that the courts had no authority to get involved in the decision, citing the political question doctrine.

Lit funder

Jul. 16, 2024
By Sunidhi Sridhar

The court’s ruling reinforces the strong protections afforded to hirers of independent contractors, while also highlighting so...

California Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed into law two bills that significantly reform the California Private Attorneys’ Ge...

The Court of Appeal ruled that the County is not obligated to act on complaints of dangerous animals until an animal control o...

The Supreme Court has made substantial changes to administrative law, including overruling the Chevron doctrine and restrictin...

One of the defendant's attorneys said the decision was an important reminder that the rights of unhoused individuals are myria...

Members of the Judicial Council also warned that retiring workers and aging buildings represent a ticking time bomb for the ju...